And Able is a unique range of clothing

Empowering pieces of fashion that enable easy access for drips, injections, mammograms, stoma bags, PEG feeds and more.

Our journey began when our co-founder Joanne, lost her beautiful daughter, Emily. As Emily battled with cancer, Joanne noticed the struggles that she faced when it came to choosing her clothes. And so, And Able was born.

We launched our website on 16th November 2022 - Emily's birthday.

Our team

And Able is the brainchild of Jo and Claire – a couple of mothers from York who came together as a result of the tragic loss of Jo’s daughter Emily. They created the line in memory of Emily and also to help others avoid the looks, whispering and other stigmas normally associated with someone suffering such a disease.

Whether you are going through a chronic illness, having on-going treatments, battling a mental health diagnosis or struggling with day to day life – we are with you.

We stand together – We stand strong – We bring understanding and awareness that not all struggles are visible.

We might be unable to change your destination, but we will be with you through your journey!

We don’t have all the answers, I don’t think anyone will ever have them, but what we do have is experience of being unduly judged. Our ethos is to embrace life no matter how different it may look.

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